The DLL View

The DLL Context Menu

The DLL view shows the image file, DLLs, and data files mapped into the address space of the selected process. When you click the properties toolbar button or select Properties from the DLL menu Process Explorer launches the Explorer properties dialog for the selected DLL or mapped file. The Strings menu item opens a dialog that shows all the printable strings found in the image file. If you have the Dependency Walker tool (see the DLL menu has a Launch Depends menu item that starts Depends with the selected DLL as a command-line argument.

Highlight Relocated DLLs

When you select the Relocated DLLs entry in the Options|Configure Highlighting dialog any DLLs that are not loaded at their programmed base address show in yellow. DLLs that cannot load at their base address because other files are already mapped there are relocated by the loader, which consumes CPU and makes parts of the DLL that are modified as part of the relocation un-sharable.

Selecting this entry will result in Process Explorer launching the system's configured Internet browser and initiating a search on for the selected DLL's name.